Where to Buy Istanbulkart? How to use?

Istanbulkart is a smart card system used to take public transportation in Istanbul. You can follow the steps below to buy and use Istanbulkart: So, Where to Buy Istanbulkart? How to use? Let's look at the details together.

How to Get Istanbulkart?

  1. You can apply online and have it sent to your address in an envelope via PTT. For special discount cards, documentation is required depending on the type of card.
  2. You can go to one of the Istanbulkart sales points. These points can be found in many places such as IETT bus stops, Istanbulkart vending machines, Istanbulkart centers, certain metro and tram stations and tourist attractions.
  3. When you arrive at the Istanbulkart sales point, be sure to bring an identification document and cash or debit card with you. (You must have a student certificate for the discounted blue Istanbulkart.)
  4. At the Istanbulkart sales point, indicate that you want to purchase the card. You can get your card completely free, but you may be required to purchase at least one ticket or top-up initially.
  5. After your card is purchased, activate the card given to you by the salesperson. To do this, insert your Istanbulkart into the Istanbulkart reader and load or top up the ticket you originally purchased.
Where to buy Istanbulkart and how to use it?

How to Use Istanbulkart?

  1. First you need to top up the balance. If it is an Istanbulcard you bought online, there is no balance in it. You can top up your balance online from our Istanbulkart Top Up Money page. (After filling, if your phone has NFC feature, you can transfer it by bringing the phone closer to the card.)
  2. Touch your Istanbulkart to the Istanbulkart reader of the public transportation vehicle you want to take.
  3. Istanbulkart reader will make sure that you have received a valid ticket or top-up from your card and will give you confirmation. At this point, your boarding is complete.
  4. When your Istanbulkart's balance runs out or your valid ticket expires, you will need to reload your card. For this, you may need to go to one of the Istanbulkart sales points or use the Istanbulkart mobile application.
  5. If you lose your Istanbulkart, you can apply to Istanbulkart sales points to cancel your lost card and get a new card.

Note: Istanbulkart can be used for different public transportation vehicles in Istanbul. These include vehicles such as buses, trams, metros, marmaray trains and sea buses. It can also be used as a payment tool in some chain markets.

Where can Istanbulkart be used other than public transportation?

Istanbulkart can be used not only in public transportation but also in some other areas. Among them:

  1. City bike rental: The city bike rental system called Bisim in Istanbul can be used with Istanbulkart. By putting your Istanbulkart into the reader at Bisim station, you can rent a bike and pay the fee from your Istanbulkart balance.
  2. Parkomat: Istanbulkart is valid in some car parks in Istanbul. You can pay the parking fee from your Istanbulkart balance by inserting your card into the Istanbulkart reader at the parking lot entrance.
  3. Museum entrances: Some museums in Istanbul offer the opportunity to pay entrance fees with Istanbulkart. These museums include places such as Topkapi Palace Museum, Hagia Sophia Museum, and Istanbul Archaeological Museums.
  4. Cable Car: The cable car that goes up to Pierre Loti Hill in the Eyüpsultan district of Istanbul can be used with an Istanbulkart.
  5. Ferries: Istanbulkart can also be used to buy sea bus tickets. You can pay for the sea bus ticket by inserting your card into the Istanbulkart reader.

Note: The areas in which Istanbulkart can be used may change or expand from time to time. Therefore, it is recommended that you follow official sources such as the Istanbulkart website or mobile application.

Can Istanbulkart be used for grocery shopping?

Yes. You can use the balance on your Istanbul card in many chain markets. You can make your shopping payments from your balance using the contactless payment method. However, before shopping, it is useful to ask the cashiers whether you can pay with Istanbulkart.

22 September 2023
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