Has Diyarbakır Has Diyarbakır Bus Ticket

Information About Has Diyarbakır

Sales Status
Available for Sale
Number of Stops
Diyarbakır, Turkey
Year of foundation
Firm Score
0 / 5

About Has Diyarbakır

Has Diyarbakır

Has Diyarbakır Turizm, which organizes trips to many provinces of Turkey, manages to make journeys enjoyable with its latest model buses and in-bus services.

Services and Programs

Thanks to the seat-back television, you will be able to watch the news, documentaries and TV series you do not want to miss while traveling, comfortably on the ergonomic seat, as if you were at home.

You will add color to your journey with games suitable for all ages and enjoy the friendly service. They frequently serve hot and cold drinks and foods. Thanks to the internet, you can browse as many sites as you want. You can listen to music from your personal music broadcast with the headphones provided to you. If you want to listen to the radio, that is also available. You can watch your own movies with the USB connection, use the phone etc. thanks to the 220 volt sockets. You can charge devices.

Also, buses stop during prayer times. You can perform your worship comfortably.


Has Diyarbakır Tourism's main center of action is Diyarbakır, and trips are organized to many regions of Turkey, especially the Mediterranean, Central Anatolia and Marmara regions.

Voyages are organized in the Mediterranean: 2 times to Mersin, 5 times to Adana, 1 time to Antalya, 2 times to Hatay.

There are daily flights to Istanbul in Marmara and twice to Ankara in Central Anatolia.

Bus Fleet

Has Diyarbakır Turizm has a total of 27 buses.

Has Diyarbakır FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions )
When the results for the departure and arrival route you have chosen are received, you can view all the departure times by filtering Has Diyarbakır from the company section.
Likewise, when you search for the flight that suits you and filter Has Diyarbakır from the results, you can view all prices.
You can have a general idea by checking the user comments of Has Diyarbakır bus company on the page of the relevant company.
In general, the services available in all bus companies are also valid in Has Diyarbakır bus company.
You can easily use a baby carriage on Has Diyarbakır buses.
When you search for bus tickets by entering your route and date information, you can select Has Diyarbakır tickets from the list that appears.
When you search for the relevant bus ticket, if you sort the tickets by price among the services we have listed for you, you can get the cheapest Has Diyarbakır bus ticket.
Has Diyarbakır bus companies mainly Ağrı, Antalya, Batman, Bitlis, Burdur organizes trips to cities. It organizes flights to 30 cities in total.
In Has Diyarbakır bus company, the luggage limit of each seat is limited to 30 kilos.

Has Diyarbakır About Comments

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Has Diyarbakır Communication
Phone: 444 11 21
Phone: 04122342160
fax: 4122342175
Email: bilgi@hasdiyarbakir.com.tr

Diyarbakır Şehirler Arası Otogarı, No: 30-31, Diyarbakır
Has Diyarbakır Opportunities
Seat Screen
USB Input
Power point