Aksaray is a city located in the Central Anatolia Region and has a rich cuisine. Aksaray cuisine reflects the traditional flavors of Turkish cuisine, but also contains some unique flavors.

List of What to Eat in Aksaray, Famous Delicacies

There are many delicious dishes in Aksaray, which is a region rich in food culture. Here are some traditional dishes you can try in Aksaray:

Aksaray Pan

Aksaray pan
Aksaray pan is a dish prepared with cubed meat, tomatoes, pepper, garlic and spices. It got this name because it is cooked in a pan. It is one of the most famous dishes of Aksaray cuisine. Aksaray pan is a very delicious and satisfying dish. The flavors of meat, tomatoes and peppers create a wonderful harmony together. Since it is cooked in a pan, meat and vegetables cook in their own juices and are very delicious.


Aksaray Papara Dinner
Papara, which belongs to the Aksaray region, is a very traditional dish. It is made using stale bread. The stale breads are placed on a tray and then roasted onions and tomato paste are added to them. Finally, it is served by pouring cottage cheese over it.


Sakray Onion
A heirloom of the Ottoman palace cuisine, onionlama is one of the most popular dishes of the Aksaray region. Onion filling, prepared by filling onion and minced meat into thinly rolled dough, is served fried on a sheet metal.

Bulgur Pilaf with Mushrooms

Aksaray mushroom bulgur pilaf
Onion and garlic are finely chopped. The seeds of the peppers are removed and chopped into small cubes. Mushrooms are chopped to the desired size. Add onion and garlic to the pot, add oil and fry. When the onions start to become transparent, add the peppers and fry for another 1-2 minutes. Add mushrooms and grated tomatoes and fry until the mushrooms and tomatoes absorb their water.

Syrup Pita

Aksaray sherbet pita
Pita with sherbet, one of Aksaray's geographically indicated delicacies, is a dessert consumed for breakfast or snacks. Pita with sherbet, prepared by adding a mixture of curd cheese, cheddar cheese and moldy cheese into thinly rolled dough, is baked in the oven and served with sherbet poured over it.


Aksaray Çiğleme
One of Aksaray's most popular local delicacies, chewing gum, is a food prepared by adding fresh cream into thinly rolled dough and served fried on a sheet metal. You can also prepare raw meat in different ways. For example, you can add walnuts, hazelnuts or dried fruits to the stuffing.

Yoghurt soup

Aksaray yoghurt soup
First of all, cleaned and washed rice is added to boiling water and cooked until it softens. In a separate bowl, mix yoghurt and flour and whisk well. This mixture is added to the rice water slowly and with constant stirring. Continue stirring until the mixture boils. After boiling for about 5 minutes, turn the heat down to low. Before serving, garnish with red pepper flakes and mint stirred in lightly heated butter.


Aksaray Kalburabastı
Aksaray Kalburabastı is a traditional Turkish dessert specific to the Aksaray region. This dessert is made from dough that can be enriched with different filling ingredients, especially chopped walnuts or hazelnuts. Aksaray Kalburabastı is a delicious dessert with sherbet, especially preferred on holidays and special occasions.

Meaty Okra

Aksaray meat okra
It is a dish specific to the Aksaray region of Turkey and is usually prepared with lamb or beef. The basic ingredients of the dish include okra, onion, tomato and various spices. This traditional dish attracts attention with the softness of the meat and the unique texture of the okra. Aksaray Meat Okra, usually served flavored with lemon juice or pomegranate syrup, reflects the cultural richness and culinary heritage of the region, especially when served with rice pilaf or bulgur pilaf.


Aksaray Kayana
Aksaray Kaygana is a type of omelet or crepe-like dish specific to the Aksaray region of Turkey. This traditional dish is made from a simple dough, usually a mixture of flour, eggs, water and salt. Kaygana, which is light and soft in its structure, is sometimes diversified by adding cheese, greens or spices. This flavor, usually consumed for breakfast or light meals, reflects the simple and satisfying aspect of Aksaray culinary culture.

Barley Vermicelli Rice

Aksaray barley noodle rice
Aksaray Barley Vermicelli Pilaf is a type of pilaf prepared using barley noodles, specific to the Aksaray region of Turkey. This pilaf is usually made by cooking roasted barley noodles in water or broth and enriched with butter or oil. Barley noodle is a form of wheat turned into grains through a special process and adds a different texture and flavor to rice. Aksaray Barley Vermicelli Rice is a popular side dish served with main dishes or on special occasions.


Aksaray car
It is a traditional dish popular in Aksaray and the central Anatolia region of Turkey. The feature of this dish is that it consists of two separate components: a thick dough that is eaten by dipping it in hot chicken or turkey broth, and a spicy chicken soup served alongside this dough. Arabaşı is generally consumed during the winter months and is known as a heart-warming flavor, especially in cold weather. While the hot and spicy nature of chicken soup gives this dish a characteristic taste, the dense and satisfying structure of the dough enables Arabaşı to offer a unique dining experience.