Special İsfanbul Theme Park Campaign for Our Customers Who Purchase İDO or BUDO

Our customers who purchase İDO or BUDO tickets from Bilet.com get FREE Zindan&Safari&Jungle Park product when they purchase İsfanbul Daily Ticket!
Passengers who purchase İDO or BUDO tickets from Bilet.com website will have the Zindan&Safari&Jungle Park product added to their carts free of charge when they purchase İsfanbul Daily.

  • Only passengers who purchased İDO or BUDO tickets from Bilet.com website can benefit from the campaign.
  • To benefit from the campaign, Turkish citizens must select the "Daily Ticket + Dungeon&Safari&Jungle Campaign (TC)" ticket type on the page Bilet.com/etkinlik/isfanbul , and foreign nationals must select the "Daily Ticket + Dungeon&Safari&Jungle Campaign (Foreign)" ticket type.
  • After selecting the ticket type, you must enter the PNR number of your İDO or BUDO ticket in the Coupon Code field on the payment page in order to purchase a ticket. Once your coupon code is confirmed, you can purchase your ticket with your credit card.
  • Only the fee of the İsfanbul Day Ticket will be debited from your card. The Dungeon&Safari&Jungle product will automatically be added to your cart free of charge. When you purchase a ticket, you will be purchasing two products.
  • When you purchase a ticket, the PNR code for both İsfanbul Daily Ticket and Zindan&Safari&Jungle product will be sent to your mobile phone as an SMS.
  • This campaign is valid until 31.12.2019.
  • Bilet.com reserves all its rights regarding this campaign and has the right to change it at any time.
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