Armutlu - with sand Ferry Ticket

Armutlu - with sand
Cheapest Price
301 TL
Average Travel Time
0 hours 30 minutes
Is There a Visa at the Door?
Is There a Vehicle Expedition?

BUDO Armutlu İhlas Mudanya

If you travel by road, the distance between Bursa's Mudanya district and its affiliated Armutlu town is 93 kilometers. You set off from Armutlu and first come to Gemlik. Then you continue on the road and return to Mudanya from Görükle.
Or, if you wish, you can take the BUDO Armutlu İhlas Mudanya ferry with your own vehicle, and after 35 minutes, you will arrive in Mudanya, a literally hassle-free journey. You won't get tired and you will save time. You can start this journey at 15:55 every day, including Sunday, September 30, 2018, regardless of weekdays or weekends. Additionally, sea buses, also known as ferries, will offer you a very comfortable journey.

Getting to Know Mudanya

Your destination, Mudanya, is among the districts of Bursa on the coast of the Marmara Sea and took its place in history with the Mudanya Armistice. You can see olive groves everywhere. Archangels Church, Dereköy Church and Armistice House Museum are among the places to visit. It is adjacent to Gemlik. The Marmara Sea, which is the subject of poems and is said not to be surprised when you come to Gemlik, also created the coasts of Mudanya. Armutlu İhlas Holiday Village was built in recent years as a large holiday complex introducing Mudanya to the world. Every day and in every season, 10 thousand people stay in this holiday village.
Very close to Trilye is an old Greek village from ancient times. You should definitely see these places after the BUDO Armutlu İhlas – Mudanya ferry trip. You can buy BUDO Armutlu İhlas Mudanya tickets from our website .
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Armutlu - with sand Departure Dates and Times

BUDO Ferry Tickets are on!

Date Route Ferry Type Departure Expedition Duration Price
06.05.2024 Armutlu - with sand SB 16:55 0 sa 30 dk 321 TL
07.05.2024 Armutlu - with sand SB 16:55 0 sa 30 dk 301 TL
08.05.2024 Armutlu - with sand SB 16:55 0 sa 30 dk 301 TL
29.05.2024 Armutlu - with sand SB 16:55 0 sa 30 dk 301 TL
30.05.2024 Armutlu - with sand SB 16:55 0 sa 30 dk 301 TL
Armutlu - About with sand FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
You can see the times of ferry services between Armutlu - with sand in the list that appears when you make the relevant search.
Armutlu - with sand ferry services to with sand island. So you need to go to port Armutlu.
Armutlu - with sand ferry tickets cost 301 TL the cheapest price.
Yes, disabled discounts are available with special seating areas and tickets. Of course, this may vary with ferry companies.
In general, all major ferries have a canteen section.
There is a limit to the number of seats. It will not allow you to buy the ferry ticket when the limit is already full. Car ferries have an average of 800 people and 200 vehicles and 1200 passengers and 225 vehicles.
Companies Organizing Expeditions Between Armutlu - with sand