Who is Bilet.com? Is it safe ?

Bilet.com implements various security measures to ensure the security of users' personal information and payment information. Overall, Bilet.com is a reliable site. The site implements security measures such as HTTP protocol , SSL security certificates , 3D credit card verification and security password , PCI-DSS credit card security tests and advanced fraud control systems. These measures ensure the security of users' personal information and payment information.
  • HTTP protocol : Bilet.com uses the HTTP protocol to protect the transfer of user data. HTTP creates a secure connection between sending and receiving computers by encrypting data.
  • SSL security certificates : Bilet.com uses SSL security certificates that show that the site is secure. These certificates allow users to connect to the website securely.
  • 3D credit card verification and security password : Bilet.com uses 3D credit card verification and security password to secure payments by credit card. These measures prevent credit card information from being intercepted by malicious actors.
  • PCI-DSS credit card security tests : Bilet.com has passed PCI-DSS credit card security tests. These tests verify that the site has implemented the necessary security measures to protect credit card information.
  • Advanced fraud control systems : Bilet.com detects and blocks suspicious transactions using advanced fraud control systems. These systems prevent users' credit card information from being used by malicious individuals.
Bilet.com is a subsidiary of Digital Trade. It is a company that hosts e-commerce and software brands such as Digital Trade and Bilet.com. The headquarters of Digital Trade and Bilet.com are located in Entertech Teknokent on Istanbul University Avcılar Campus.
  • ​Security : Bilet.com implements various security measures to ensure the security of users' personal information and payment information. These measures make the site a reliable option.
  • Price : Bilet.com offers more affordable prices than other ticket sales sites. This makes the site a more attractive option.
  • Option : Bilet.com sells tickets for a wide range of events. This ensures that users have a variety of options to meet their needs.
Bilet.com is an online platform that allows you to find the fastest, safest and most affordable tickets in Turkey. At Bilet.com, you can compare and buy tickets from hundreds of airlines, bus and ferry companies in one place.

Our website uses HTTPS protocol and 256 bit SSL security certificates for safe shopping. Thus, all information transferred between your computer and Bilet.com server and bank servers is encrypted with HTTPS protocol and SSL certificates using the most reliable encryption algorithms in the world - to prevent it from being viewed or copied by unauthorized third parties.

PCI-DSS Security Certificate
Your credit card information is requested only during the purchase phase, and credit card numbers are not stored on our website, in our database or in our files in accordance with the law. The credit card information you enter is sent directly to the bank for payment and the purchase process is completed on the credit card payment pages on the bank website. In addition to HTTPS and SSL certificates, bank credit card payment pages are regularly subjected to PCI-DSS advanced security tests. Credit card transactions are not allowed from bank websites that do not pass these tests.

3D Security and Authentication Password
When you are directed to the bank website to make payment by credit card, a security and verification code (password) is sent to the credit card holder's mobile phone registered with the bank before the payment is received - in order to prevent unauthorized or stolen card transactions. Since only the credit card holder can read this code, it is not possible to make any transactions without the permission of the credit card holder.

Fraud Control
In addition to all the security measures above, Bilet.com uses fraud control systems (control for stolen, duplicate or illegal credit card use) that make use of up-to-date information technologies in order to prevent unauthorized credit card use. In this way, the IP numbers, bank bin numbers, proxy information, blacklist banned lists, telephone and e-mail numbers of people who want to make illegal transactions with more advanced technology and techniques are also checked. It is determined whether the transaction is safe or not according to the security degree score obtained after this check. Transactions that fail to reach a certain base security score are automatically rejected by the system.

Address info
Digital Trade AŞ (Bilet.com)
Entertech Teknokent Office: 322
Istanbul University Avcılar Campus
Avcılar, Istanbul, 34320

Bilet.com Call Center: 0 (850) 450 99 88
E-mail (24 hours): bilgi@bilet.com info@bilet.com

Commercial Information
Company Name: Digital Trade A.Ş.
Tax Office: Avcılar
Tax Number: 295 049 0819
MERSİS Number: 0295049081900018
Trade Registry Number: 944948