Cancellation, Return and Exchange

İDO tickets can be canceled. You can cancel your IDO ferry ticket online by calling 0850 222 44 36 or by inquiring about your ticket on the " Ferry Ticket Reservation Inquiry " screen and using the link provided for cancellation.

When IDO ferry tickets are canceled, the full ticket amount may not be refunded. The amount to be refunded is determined by İDO according to the company's cancellation-refund rules.
If the date/time of the IDO flight for which you purchased a ticket has changed or the flight has been cancelled, you can get a refund or make changes free of charge.
You can get support for your transactions from 0850 222 44 36 .
There is no repurchase for IDO ferry tickets.
For cancellation or changes, you can get support from 0850 222 44 36 .
Yes. You can reach the call center 0850 222 44 36 24/7 and change your seat number.
There is no change in passenger name on IDO tickets.
  • İDO tickets can only be used by the person on whose behalf they are issued.
  • It cannot be transferred to anyone else.
  • Name changes cannot be made.
If you cannot get on with your LPG vehicle due to the ferry change, you can make a change free of charge or get a refund without interruption, provided that it is for the same line and direction.

For support, you can call the call center at 0850 222 44 36 .