Let's Get to Know London

As one of the most visited cities in the world, London has something to offer everyone: from history to culture, from food to a good time.

Art & Culture

Tirelessly innovating in art and culture, London is also known as the city of ideas and imagination. Londoners have always been known for their independent opinions (and criticism). However, in recent times, people have become suspicious of things seen as avant-garde. But these are left behind. The city's creative scene has gained new momentum in theatrical innovation, modern art, pioneering music, poetry writing, architecture and design. Innovative cuisine has become another field and an insatiable obsession of certain circles.

Let's Get to Know London

Time travelling

London also offers rich history that will fascinate visitors. The city's buildings are the unique building blocks of London's life story, and the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey and Big Ben are the structures that almost everyone knows. There are also many innovative structures in the city (the Shard, the London Eye and the planned Garden Bridge), but these do not harm the old and centuries-old story of London. While architectural splendor rises from the West End, ancient ruins can be seen all over the city. Its charming bars adorn historical places, suburbs and riversides. Choose the one you like.

A Tale of Two Cities

London offers a vast urban landscape that includes everything. Major museums, galleries and landmarks are concentrated in central London. But to escape the crowds and enjoy the vast green spaces, visit Hampstead Heath or Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Go further and take in the beautiful riverside London views of Kew Gardens, Richmond or Hampton Court Palace. Afterwards, stop by one of the quiet beach bars.


In London, which has a multicultural structure, one in every three city residents was born in a foreign country. This segment represents 270 nations and speaks 300 different languages. What unites these people and visitors is English. All these different cultures add a different color to the streets of London, sometimes with the exotic dresses they wear or the music they listen to. London's diverse cultural dynamics elevate it to the ranks of the world's international cities. This diversity also permeates British institutions. While the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum have magnificent and diverse collections, the historical Borough Market also offers different tastes.
22 September 2023
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