5 Ways to Beat Jet Lag

Jet lag can be something that can actually lead to depression, as you feel light-headed and out of sync with the local culture. When you arrive with little preparation and self-discipline, it will help you feel fresh and ready for your new adventures. Let's see what is jet lag? How can we find solutions and quickly get rid of its effects? Let's look at 5 ways to beat jet lag.

jet lag

Start Well Rested

Start well rested.

Lack of sleep and a time zone change always results in a lethargic few days at your new destination. If you set out dreaming that you will sleep on the plane, you will be disappointed; this almost never happens. Skip the farewell parties the night before your flight to get a good night's sleep.

Eat and Drink Healthy

eat and drink healthy

Rule #1:

Avoid drinking on the plane. Especially if you are trying to rest, this will hinder you and the altitude will increase the effect of alcohol 2-3 times. There will be no point in tiring your body even more by the time you land.

Rule #2:

If you're flying west, only drink caffeinated beverages before or during the flight. Scientists suggest that a pre-flight espresso fights jet lag when flying westbound, but it has the opposite effect when flying eastbound. Maca Mocha is a perfect coffee substitute to drink while you're running around doing your last-minute preparations. This drink containing maca root helps maintain healthy energy, stamina and endurance.
REBBL's Reishi Chocolate may be a nice option to drink on your way to the airport. Reishi is known for encouraging and supporting the immune system to work in a healthy way and detoxing the liver, heart and blood vessels. Due to the closed environment during the flight, the same air will be circulating inside and this applies equally to viruses, so give your immune system a break before the flight. In addition, since you will spend more time sitting on long flights, it helps your body detox and regulate the blood circulation process before landing.

Rule #3:

Do your best to eat the healthiest things before and during your flight. The best options may not be offered on the plane, so take enough food to keep you full (you can't take liquids and sauces, remember!). Also, throw a few homemade snacks in the bag you carry with you, you don't want to eat from airport fast food chains during transfers.

Rule #4:

Do some small grocery shopping in the city you arrive in, and stock up on water and healthy snacks. Having healthy food and water on hand when you are crazy hungry will prevent you from reaching for unhealthy foods when it is inevitable.

Exercise Before and After

exercise before and after

Even if it is a short walk in the city you arrive in, a few yoga movements in your hotel room, or small stretches and exercises, these will sustain you for a long time. All short exercises before your flight will be good for your stress and lack of rest. Exercising afterwards will also help you have a comfortable sleep.
You should stretch your muscles and increase your heart rate before, during and after your flight. There are also exercises that vary depending on whether you are flying east or west: the exercises you do in the morning will be very beneficial when flying east, and the exercises you do in the afternoon and evening will be very beneficial when flying west.

Adjust Your Biological Clock

adjust your biological clock

Regulating your biological clock and sleep patterns is of great importance to reduce jet lag. Melatonin is a natural alternative to help you fall asleep more easily at night, that is, it will help you regulate your sleep according to the time of your destination a few days before and during your flight.
It is recommended that you stop eating halfway through your flight and enjoy the first meal after arrival. Remember, some countries may eat certain meals earlier or later than others, so try to adapt by trying to eat according to local meal times.

Don't Stay Thirsty

It is obvious that the air circulating inside the plane causes dehydration and is drying for your skin, so make sure you drink plenty of water! To prevent your skin and lips from drying out, it will be beneficial for you to apply moisturizer and drink 235 ml of water for every hour you spend awake during your flight. If you dare, wear a moisturizing mask for your sleep on the plane, all the celebrities always wear it and no one is judging.

İlknur Sabiha KATİP
İlknur Sabiha KATİP
22 September 2023
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