What is Istanbulkart? Where to use?

Istanbulkart is a smart card system used in public transportation in Istanbul. This card can be used in public transportation in Istanbul such as metro, tram, bus, metrobus, funicular and sea bus. Istanbulkart makes life easier for those who want to travel in Istanbul by providing an easy-to-use, economical and secure payment method. In addition, after use, refunds cannot be taken from public transportation such as metro and bus. Since the maximum distance fee is charged for Marmaray and Metrobus usage, you can get a refund at the stop where you get off. When you zoom in on the refund devices, the refund amount and the balance in the card will appear.

What is Istanbulkart and where is it used? What is Istanbulkar? Where to use?

Istanbulkart is very simple to use. The card can be filled at Istanbulkart filling points located in many places in Istanbul. Filling points include station counters, buses, minibuses, public buses and trams. Cards can also be filled at automatic filling points or via the Istanbulkart website and mobile application. There are different types such as Istanbulkart, personal and student cards. The student card offers special discounts for students studying in Istanbul.

Istanbulkart provides many advantages to make your travels easier. First of all, you can travel on all public transportation vehicles with a single card. This saves time and money by not having to purchase different tickets. Additionally, the fact that Istanbulkart is a prepaid system allows you to allocate a budget for your travels in advance. In this way, you can control your budget better.

Istanbulkart also offers special discounts. Many museums, historical sites and entertainment centers in Istanbul offer special discounts to Istanbulkart holders. These discounts offer an economical travel opportunity for those who want to explore Istanbul.

As a result, Istanbulkart is an economical, safe and practical option for those who want to travel by public transportation in Istanbul. Istanbulkart is easy to use and provides many advantages. It also offers special discounts for students and discounts at many museums and historical sites in Istanbul. Istanbulites and visitors to Istanbul are recommended to explore the city and make their travel easier by using Istanbulkart.
Filiz Oytun
Filiz Oytun
22 September 2023
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